Drought takes toll on birds, Pacific Flyway

Summer is a relatively quiet time for birds in California’s Central Valley, as most of the ducks and geese are breeding in the north. But this year is more quiet than usual.
According to a recent survey conducted by the Department of Fish Wildlife, the number of breeding ducks remaining in California this season is 23 percent below the long-term average. The decline speaks to the significant degradation of habitat in the Central Valley due to lack of precipitation.
Millions upon millions of birds rely on the Central Valley as a vital stop on the Pacific Flyway, sort of a migratory superhighway between Alaska and Patagonia.
Every corner of the state is feeling the pain of the drought. It is having a devastating effect on birds, just as it is hurting communities and agriculture. As California’s severe drought is felt more keenly, the Legislature’s efforts to approve a water bond for the November ballot have become all the more imperative.
California needs both short-term relief and a long-term strategy for water use, and both priorities must be represented in any water bond. Failing to approve a new water bond for the ballot would represent a failure by the State government to effectively respond to the drought and plan for our future.
The Legislature approved water bond language in 2009, but has pulled it from subsequent ballots for lack of support. That $11.1 billion bond is currently slated for a vote in 2014, but few support it, and the consensus is that it needs to be replaced with a bond measure that better reflects the realities of the drought. And it must have enough support that its chances of passage are strong.
It shouldn’t be a surprise that lawmakers have had a difficult time agreeing on a new bond this legislative session. So much is at stake. Multiple bills ground their way through the Assembly and Senate this year and, despite a flurry of negotiations right before the July break, lawmakers will still need to complete the work in August.
Nowhere in California has the drought been harder felt than in the Central Valley, where natural resources support a thriving agricultural economy, growing communities, and vital habitat for birds and other wildlife. So it is not surprising that the discussions on the water bond focus on the Central Valley.
Many of the same things that make the Valley so important for agriculture and communities also make it of hemispheric importance for birds. Millions upon millions of birds rely on the Central Valley as a vital stop on the Pacific Flyway, sort of a migratory superhighway between Alaska and Patagonia.
A hundred years ago, the Central Valley looked very different than it does today. Rivers and streams meandered across the landscape, and much of the area was natural wetland and floodplain habitat. That all changed as the water was tamed to accommodate agriculture and community development, and as much as 95 percent of the area’s wetland habitat disappeared.
Acknowledging the massive impacts from federal and state irrigation projects, Congress in 1992 passed the Central Valley Project Improvement Act to support habitat for birds, fish and other wildlife. This legislation mandated minimum allocations of water to the network of federal wildlife refuges, state wildlife areas and private wetlands in the Central Valley.
Every serious bond proposal to emerge from negotiations in the legislature accepts California’s responsibility to provide water to these refuges, as well as the need to fund watershed protection and habitat restoration throughout the state. This represents only a small fraction of the cost of the bond, but will produce long-lasting ecological benefits and will safeguard prior public investments.
Any long-term plan for water use – that is to say, any water bond – that fails to address the future needs of birds and habitat should be considered a failure. This will not only be because of the ecological destruction that will ensue, but also because of the failed opportunity to create a comprehensive plan to provide for California’s future water use.
Ed’s Note: Brigid McCormack is the executive director of Audubon California.
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[…] Drought takes toll on birds, Pacific Flyway: “Summer is a relatively quiet time for birds in California’s Central Valley, as most of the ducks and geese are breeding in the north. But this year is more quiet than usual. According to a recent survey conducted by the Department of Fish Wildlife, the number of breeding ducks remaining in California this season is 23 percent below the long-term average. The decline speaks to the significant degradation of habitat in the Central Valley due to lack of precipitation. … ” Read more from Capitol Weekly here: Drought takes toll on birds, Pacific Flyway […]
[…] Drought takes toll on birds, Pacific Flyway: “Summer is a relatively quiet time for birds in California’s Central Valley, as most of the ducks and geese are breeding in the north. But this year is more quiet than usual. According to a recent survey conducted by the Department of Fish Wildlife, the number of breeding ducks remaining in California this season is 23 percent below the long-term average. The decline speaks to the significant degradation of habitat in the Central Valley due to lack of precipitation. … ” Read more from Capitol Weekly here: Drought takes toll on birds, Pacific Flyway […]
[…] Drought takes toll on birds, Pacific Flyway: “Summer is a relatively quiet time for birds in California’s Central Valley, as most of the ducks and geese are breeding in the north. But this year is more quiet than usual. According to a recent survey conducted by the Department of Fish Wildlife, the number of breeding ducks remaining in California this season is 23 percent below the long-term average. The decline speaks to the significant degradation of habitat in the Central Valley due to lack of precipitation. … ” Read more from Capitol Weekly here: Drought takes toll on birds, Pacific Flyway […]
[…] Read the rest of Brigid McCormack’s Op-Ed here: Capitol Weekly, July 15, 2014 […]
Why are new lawns and water thirsty plants allowed to be planted in new construction of homes and offices? Until we start making it mandatory that water wise yards must be installed as opposed to water thirsty yards then we will continue to waste water. People are so selfish and we all need to get a clue about conserving water.
We need to speak up and become publically critical of irresponsible landscaping projects, so that lawns and thirsty gardens become seriously taboo in a mainstream way. Popularizing interest in local flora and ecology would help too, because most residents of California have no clue about all the beautiful native plants, and how perfectly adapted to drought they can be.
Totally agree, I have many native plants that require little to no water. They are beautiful and many are flowering plus the pollinators love them as well and I don’t use any pesticides or toxins in my yard. Lots of lizards enjoy my yards too.
Of course water plans must include needs of birds and habitat. But just as concerning is the proposal before the CA Fish and Game Commission to increase tags on waterfowl (and upland game birds). If water habitat for resting migratory birds is shrinking, then those who kill for sport and recreation will be killing many more birds as they’re forced to find and land in fewer areas. This kill increase is unacceptably reckless in a time of both drought AND unknowns with climate change. Please help stop the madness; send letters to the FGC IMMEDIATELY ([email protected]). This item, along with upland game bird kill quota increases, is supposed to be voted on during the August 6 meeting. [Agenda: http://www.fgc.ca.gov/meetings/2014/aug/080614agd.pdf%5D “Conservation” is more than just using less water or approving bonds. It’s also using the “Precautionary Principle” when it comes to killing wildlife (many birds will be maimed and wounded as well) instead of drooling at “opportunities” to kill.
[…] Drought takes toll on birds, Pacific Flyway: “Summer is a relatively quiet time for birds in California’s Central Valley, as most of the ducks and geese are breeding in the north. But this year is more quiet than usual. According to a recent survey conducted by the Department of Fish Wildlife, the number of breeding ducks remaining in California this season is 23 percent below the long-term average. The decline speaks to the significant degradation of habitat in the Central Valley due to lack of precipitation. … ” Read more from Capitol Weekly here: Drought takes toll on birds, Pacific Flyway […]
[…] Drought takes toll on birds, Pacific Flyway: “Summer is a relatively quiet time for birds in California’s Central Valley, as most of the ducks and geese are breeding in the north. But this year is more quiet than usual. According to a recent survey conducted by the Department of Fish Wildlife, the number of breeding ducks remaining in California this season is 23 percent below the long-term average. The decline speaks to the significant degradation of habitat in the Central Valley due to lack of precipitation. … ” Read more from Capitol Weekly here: Drought takes toll on birds, Pacific Flyway […]
Voluntary restrictions dont work. Until we have leaders who are courageous enough to do the right thing, we’ll have inequity in water usage.
[…] Drought takes toll on birds, Pacific Flyway: “Summer is a relatively quiet time for birds in California’s Central Valley, as most of the ducks and geese are breeding in the north. But this year is more quiet than usual. According to a recent survey conducted by the Department of Fish Wildlife, the number of breeding ducks remaining in California this season is 23 percent below the long-term average. The decline speaks to the significant degradation of habitat in the Central Valley due to lack of precipitation. … ” Read more from Capitol Weekly here: Drought takes toll on birds, Pacific Flyway […]
I completely agree and work on restoration projects- my biggest concern is that real money is spent on water conservation and taxpayers really make sure that restoration is IS occurring. There are so many relatively simple conservation fixes that have never been explored- Why is my relatively clean shower water going down the drain? It should be used to flush the toilet- or water my garden! I see lots and lots of money spent on paper work. Cities are starting to look at the whole water use picture- We need to make sure that the Bond is Wisely Implemented- that we Get Bang for our Bucks
[…] Read the rest of Brigid McCormack’s Op-Ed here: Capitol Weekly, July 15, 2014 […]
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