No. 88: Capitol Weekly’s Top 100

88. Bob White
California Strategies, founded and headed by Bob White, is truly an interesting communications and advocacy firm, and here’s why: It’s not top-down. White is at the top of the masthead, but the people who work there – and many of them have been on this list over the years – are really separate business entities operating under the CalStrat umbrella. No matter what the major political or policy issue is in Sacramento at any given time, somebody at California Strategies has an important piece of it. Gary Hunt, Winston Hickox, Carol Whiteside, Jim Brulte (No. 48) Rusty Areias, Steve Larson, Garry South, B.B. Blevins, Jason Kinney (No. 83), Jack Flanigan, Victoria Bradshaw, Joanne Kozberg, etc., etc. White has been a familiar Sacramento figure for years: He served as Pete Wilson’s chief of staff when Wilson was governor during the 1990s, and he earlier served Wilson in a similar capacity when Wilson was in the U.S. Senate.
Updated Aug. 9, 2016
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