Experts Expound
The Experts Expound
“Time to have some fun: Take a leap and predict what will happen Election Night — on any items you are interested in – president, ballot props, congressional, legislative or local.”
Obama will slaughter McCain….
Status quo in California.
Game 5 of the World Series will be rained out for a 9th consecutive night, leaving election-weary Californians no refuge from the flurry of on-the-spot instantaneous expert election analyses, the inevitable look ahead to the 2012 presidential re-election campaign and list of likely challengers, and a minimum of 27 hockey mom-related analogies or puns . . .
Obama in a landslide. Demos get 59-60 Senate seats. Prop. 8 goes down. And I get handsome!
I predict it will be impossible to “call” Prop. 4 on election night because of absentee ballots turned in at the last minute.
Obama/Biden by a landslide Proposition 2, 8 pass, Proposition 11 fails, KJ is mayor
The night will go exceedingly well for Democrats up and down the ticket. Someone will ask Art Torres what is best in life. Borrowing a line from
Arnold, he will respond “To crush the Republicans, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their donors.”
The Chicago Tribune will print a massive headline, “Obama Defeats McCain,” that will be spectacularly wrong — and no one will notice. Other than that, Democrats will increase their hold on both houses of the California Legislature, gaining a two-thirds majority in the Senate but not in the Assembly. All of the ballot props will fail, and Kevin Johnson will be elected mayor of Sacramento. Sometime next year, he will resign, following a federal indictment.
The people from whom we sought opinions: Andrew Acosta, A.G. Block, Elizabeth Ashford, Mark Bogetich, Barry Brokaw, Morgan Crinklaw, J. Dale Debber, Peter DeMarco, Jim Evans, Kathy Fairbanks, Jeff Fuller, Rex Frazier, Ken Gibson, Evan Goldberg, Deborah Gonzalez, Sandy Harrison, Bob Hertzberg, Jason Kinney, Mike Madrid, Nicole Mahrt, Steve Maviglio, Adam Mendelsohn, Barbara O’Connor, Bill Packer, Kassy Perry, Jack Pitney, Adam Probolsky, Tony Quinn, Matt Rexroad, Matt Ross, Roger Salazar, Gabriel Sanchez, Dan Schnur, Will Shuck, Ralph Simoni, Sam Sorich, Ray Sotero, Garry South, Kevin Spillane, Rich Zeiger.
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