Posts Tagged: tunnel


In end game, Brown reverts to the conventional

Gov. Brown delivers his 16th state of the state address. (Photo: Screen capture, ABC 7 Los Angeles).

Jerry Brown professes to not be interested in legacies.  Yet his 16th and final state-of-the-state speech last week was all about a legacy – his own. The governor talked about how dire the state’s fiscal situation was before he became governor.  Then he talked about how good things are now that he’s been in charge for the last seven years.


Landmark state water plan defended – by those who want to build it

As the debate intensifies over the historic attempt to build an $18 billion tunnel system through the vast estuary east of San Francisco, the stage shifts to the state Capitol, where partisans are taking their case directly to lawmakers.


The Brown administration, saying it wants to protect the fragile Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and

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