Posts Tagged: Sacramento

Micheli Files

The use of bill signing messages by California governors

Image by Ritu Manoj Jethani

MICHELI FILES: Despite no constitutional provision allowing them (or prohibiting them), many California Governors have used “signing messages” to accompany a Governor’s signature on a bill. U.S. Presidents also have long used signing messages.

Experts Expound

Experts Expound: Halloween Edition

Image by Stock-Asso

Halloween is upon us, so with that in mind we reached out to our esteemed panel of Capitol insiders with the following question: What is the scariest thing for you in the political world right now? 


Phil Isenberg: 1939-2023

Phil Isenberg, photo courtesy of the Public Policy Institute of California

Phil Isenberg, a former Sacramento mayor and one of the most influential Democratic members of the Assembly in the 1980s and 1990s, died Thursday after a short illness. He was 84.


Every breast cancer patient deserves a fighting chance

Image by Jo Panuwat D

OPINION – Each breast cancer patient has their own story. For some of us, breast cancer runs in our family and we’ve had family discussions about our risk. For others, the diagnosis comes out of left field and there’s nowhere to turn.


California cardrooms playing table games legally for decades

Image by WPixz

OPINION – The California cardroom industry supports continued discussions regarding regulation of gaming within the state. However, it is essential that the discourse is not influenced by unfounded concerns from a few wealthy tribal casinos intent on creating a monopoly for themselves to the detriment of working California families and the communities served by cardrooms.  


Dianne Feinstein: A remembrance

Dianne Feinstein, image courtesy of AP

There are people who believe Feinstein’s legacy will come down to her final few years in office, when she became frail, sometimes confused, and suffered from memory issues. Those people don’t know Dianne Feinstein. She is much more than a footnote.


Signing AB 1167 will cement Gavin Newsom’s climate leadership status

Image by Nicole Glass Photography

OPINION – When Gov. Newsom announced last week that California was suing five major oil companies and an industry trade group for alleged climate damages, he sent an unmistakable message to businesses that pollute our environment: You can no longer wreck our climate or damage public health for profit with impunity, and you will have to pay for the damage you cause.


The Micheli Files: Is there a difference between intent and policy statements in statutes?

Public policy, image by AlexLMX

ANALYSIS – Readers of bills and statutes will regularly come across statements of legislative intent, such as paragraphs that usually begin with either “It is the intent of the Legislature to …” or “The Legislature finds and declares that …” On other occasions, readers may come across statements that “it is the policy of the state.” Both are expressed opinions or state desires of the Legislature.

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