Posts Tagged: lobbied


Twitter is Sacramento’s ‘Fourth House’

A Twitter user logs on with her digital tablet. (Photo: Daniel Krason, via Shutterstock)

OPINION: It is a colossal mistake for those who desire to influence state policy to ignore Twitter, brushing it off as a playground for pop stars, professional athletes and the President. As demonstrated in Randle Communications’ inaugural Digital Influencer Report, digital advocacy, and specifically Twitter, remains a growing and potent tool for those who seek to shape outcomes in California’s Capitol.


Protecting employers from abusive lawsuits

OPINION: Every once in a while there are glimmers of hope that the California Legislature gets legal reform and the impact it has on the lives of business people throughout the State of California. One of those moments came with the defeat of AB 2416 by State Assemblyman Mark Stone, which would have dramatically increased lawsuits against small business owners.

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