Posts Tagged: budget deficit


Governor Newsom: Save lives, not fossil fuel corporations

Image by jutawat Rawichot

OPINION – If your house was on fire, would you throw money at the arsonists fanning the flames? Probably not, but that’s exactly what California is doing by giving away hundreds of millions — if not billions — of dollars to fossil fuel corporations every year.


Budget constraints would hit Californians with developmental disabilities hard

Image by Drazen Zigic

OPINION – While we understand creative solutions are necessary to pull California out of its current budget situation, and we’re not the only community that could be hit hard with cuts and delays, the reality is that our state’s most vulnerable population is at risk. It’s critical policymakers and the Administration take a closer look at what programs and services they are considering and how those served would be impacted.


Skinner remains hopeful of shifting the narrative surrounding menstruation

Young girl hiding behind period calendar, image by Photoroyalty

With over half of American women in a 2023 poll stating that they’ve felt embarrassed about their period at some point, it is no surprise that there is a lack of discourse on menstrual cycle advocacy in governments across the country. In recent years, however, California has begun to make long-awaited strides towards ending this discrimination.

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