
Political Fortune: Debra Bowen

NAME: Debra Bowen
JOB: State Senator
DOB: October 27, 1955
PLACE: Rockford, Illinois
SIGN: Scorpio

Debra Bowen’s birth chart has Jupiter rising in exact conjunction with
Pluto, ideal for a politician, as Jupiter rules the law and politics and
Pluto rules power. Put these two influences together and you get someone
with an expansive personality who seeks power as naturally as the rest of us
breathe. As the energy surrounding this influence is positive (mostly
harmonious aspects), her natural drive for power and increased
responsibility is constructive for herself and others. As both planets are
in Leo (with yet a third planet in Leo), she is a natural-born leader who
wants to be in the spotlight. She has the Sun in the intense water sign of
Scorpio, which adds to her drive to seek positions of greater and greater
responsibility, as the co-ruler of Scorpio is the above-mentioned Pluto. The
Sun, ruling her individuality, is positively aspected and, in Scorpio, gives
her a natural desire to take control (Scorpio is a very controlling sign,
and she has two other planets in Scorpio in addition to the Sun).

Debra is highly idealistic, as one of Scorpio’s most important assets is
idealism. More importantly, however, is the fact that both the Sun, ruling
her character, and Mercury, ruling her mentality, are conjunct Neptune, the
planet ruling the ideals. She can be practical, too, as the earth sign Virgo
rises on the eastern horizon. Another trait strong in her chart is
compassion and especially the desire to help those less fortunate than
herself. This is shown in a variety of ways. The Moon, ruling her emotions,
is in the compassionate, empathetic sign of Pisces, powerfully placed in an
angular house. The Moon rules those interested in helping the common people.
As Neptune, ruler of Pisces, is in conjunction with both the Sun and
Mercury, the above traits are even further emphasized.

Her intense drive to succeed is ameliorated (and enhanced) by three planets
in the tactful, diplomatic sign of Libra, including Mercury, the planet of
the mind. In fact, had she not chosen politics as a career, she undoubtedly
would have done well in public relations, as a salesperson, and especially
in the field of communications, as she has four planets in the Third House
of communications.

Debra is mentally assertive and probably good at debate, as Mercury is
conjunct Mars. However, this aspect, if not controlled, can cause sudden
flare-ups, especially as the Sun is in the Mars-ruled sign of Scorpio. With
the Sun in exact square to Uranus, she may, at times, be too self-willed and
too intent upon having her own way. Too, with Neptune so powerful in her
chart, she must make sure her ideals are practical, as she has no planets in
earth signs (though she has a Virgo ascendant). With the Sun in Scorpio and
the Moon in Pisces, she is an intensely emotional person.

With transiting Saturn conjunct her natal Neptune, she must careful of
political intrigue in the near future. However, transiting Jupiter conjunct
her natal Sun is an excellent harbinger for gaining a new position of
leadership, especially as transiting Pluto trines her natal Jupiter, which
inclines toward opportunities to bring about reform. A last interesting
transit is transiting Saturn conjunct natal Pluto, which implies that now is
a good time to transmute her ideals into reality.

David Jones has practiced astrology for 25 years. He teaches evening
classes in astrology at Bucks County Community College near Philadelphia. He
has published more than 20 articles on astrological theory in such astrology
journals as Aspects Magazine and Mountain Astrologer.

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