Experts Expound
Experts Expound
“As the Jack Abramoff scandal develops in Washington, a question arises for
those who follow California politics. Do lobbyists have too much clout in
Sacramento? Should the Legislature–or voters at the ballot box–intervene to
curb the influence of lobbyists?”
“Yes. Yes. End term limits.”
“Lobbyists have no more clout that any other group of people that spend all
day long meeting with elected officials, going to dinner with them and
generally brown-nosing.”
“No legislation/initiative is needed. Just get off your hide and play the
game if you want to change public policy. Don’t rain on everyone else just
because you aren’t as good at gaming the process as they are.”
“Watching the Republicans leap up to defend the current system during the
debate on the Clean Money bill in the Assembly
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