Experts Expound
Who wins on Tuesday in Texas and Ohio — Clinton or Obama? Or do we have a split decision?
Obama wins Texas. Clinton wins Ohio. Obama declares victory. Swift boats are launched from GOP shores. Despite the mainstream media’s best efforts, we’re starting to see yet another pendulum shift. Clinton wins both
Experts Expound
Sen. Tom McClintock of Thousand Oaks, for two decades the Capitol’s best-known conservative, is considering running for John Doolittle’s Rocklin congressional seat. Will he win, or will he be rejected as a carpetbagger?
If he runs, he wins.
How cynical can politics get? To see the conservative conscience of the
Experts Expound
Who’s the next speaker of the Assembly? Why?
Curt Pringle. He’s tanned, he’s rested, he’s ready.
In an ideal world, it would be Karen Bass. She’s smart, does her homework and has paid her dues. If MRT’s seat becomes available, however, who could blame Bass for giving the Senate a
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Who really won? What happens now?
We all won! Young people are fired up to vote. Turnout was the highest in decades, and California is once again a player in the presidential race.
Democrats! Record turnout. Luring DTS voters (thanks to the CRP) to keep voting for Dems. Strong Latino
Experts Expound
This time it’s not “Who killed J.R?” but “What killed health care?” What happens now?
If you have to run for re-election every two years, it makes it difficult to make the big decisions and take the risk. Politics killed health care. Nothing happens now.
Liz Hill killed health care.
Experts Expound
In California, there were more than 31,000 home foreclosures, a record, during the last quarter of 2007. Is California on the verge of a recession, or are we there already? What can our state government do about it?
If you look at the budget problems, California might be on the edge of
Experts Expound
OK, so who’s the Republican front-runner now in the race for the presidential nomination? Why?
OK, so who’s the Republican front-runner now in the race for the presidential nomination? Why?
Romney, but only until Saturday. Then the winner in S.C. takes over as front-runner.
Nobody. The GOP convention
Experts Expound
“A wild night in New Hampshire! But a question arises: Is the “Bradley effect” at work here? Did race skew the pre-primary polls in New Hampshire that showed Obama way over Clinton because people don’t like to acknowledge that race plays a role in their choice of candidates?
Sometimes, polls are just
Experts Expound
“What is the health care agreement between Assembly Democrats and the governor? The real thing? A political stunt? A landmark agreement that sets the stage for the future? A charade?”
Like a second marriage, it represents the triumph of hope over experience. Too little, too late — a “don’t just stand there,
Experts Expound
“There’s trouble brewing at the nearly century-old State Compensation Insurance Fund, a quasi-private entity, where potentially billions of dollars have been spent with scant oversight and little public disclosure. Should the state step in and take it over?”
Let’s see … potentially billions of dollars spent with scant oversight and little public