Big Daddy
Dear Big Daddy, “Ghost voting”? Sounds more like fraud to me. Another example of our representatives not doing their jobs. –Ghost voting must be stopped
Dear Phantom disenfranchiser,
Of all the asinine pastimes the kids are into these days—falling-down pants wearing, Hannah Wyoming, sniffing each other like virtual dogs on Facebook—this
Big Daddy
Dear Big Daddy, It has become crystal clear that Democrats in Sacramento do not wish to recognize the benefits and the legacy of a policy that has not only lifted an unbearable tax burden off the backs of so many Californians, but was also approved by a large majority of California voters. If they
Big Daddy
Dear Big Daddy,
After voting for every Democratic nominee since James Carter I will NOT vote for Obama if this inexperienced fraud is nominated. I encourage every Hillary supporter to not vote for him as well. Vote green, vote for McCain……….. we’ll try again in 2012.
Big Daddy
Dear Big Daddy, I am absolutely elated by the California Supreme Court’s decision. –Office of Assemblyman Lloyd Levine, D-Van Nuys
Marriage is an institution that exists in nature and ultimately is beyond the power of any government or court to redefine. –Office of Senator Tom McClintock, R-Thousand Oaks
Dear essentially random Democrat
Big Daddy
Dear Big Daddy,
My work takes me to the Capitol several times a week. The other day, I casually remarked to my boss how all the crowds of school kids this time of year make it hard to get around. I won’t repeat her response, but she took it wrong. Now she thinks I’m
Big Daddy
Ah, the age old equation: small town rubes vs. big city sophisticates.
Big Daddy
If you put a beanie on Jeff Denham, he'd look an awful lot like a windmill.
Big Daddy
Dear Big Daddy, It’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations. –Barack Obama
Dear 44,
It’s true, there’s a group in this country who
Big Daddy
Dear Big Daddy, The Olympic torch relay should be a celebration. Now it turns into this chaos. Definitely I respect their different point of view, but to use this event to blackmail China, this is not right. –John Hu
Dear Creative user of the term "blackmail,"
I've seen a lot
Big Daddy
Dear Big Daddy,
If there is any discrimination going on, it is against all the California citizens, the "non-Indians," who are not allowed to have tax-free, regulation-free casinos ANYWHERE in the state. Boo-Hoo. So tribes have to build these money-printing machines on their own land. What a hardship.
–Betty Perkowski