Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Hey, Big Daddy,


The Republicans are coming! The Republicans are coming!
Anything I should know before the GOP convention gets
under way? .


–Elephant in Escondido


Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Hey Big Daddy, It seems like lobbying is at an all-time high around this place. Do they have too much power? Signed, Lois in Lodi

Hey Lois,

My thoughts on the relationship between lobbying and lawmakers are well know: If you can’t eat their food, drink their liquor, etc. etc. etc.

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Dear Big Daddy, Why doesn’t the governor take a furlough? It’s not like he’s doing anything anyway. –Unpaid and unhappy

Dear UU,

Need I remind you that our Governor works for $1 a year? Some even claim that he’s worth almost every penny. Never mind that he’s more likely to deliver

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Dear Big Daddy, Am I the only one who’s troubled by all these former legislators getting appointed to lucrative board slots? As a longtime Dem staffer, I’ve had enough of the likes of Migden and Parra. –Put ‘em out to pasture

Dear Pasturized,

If there’s one thing that politicians hate more

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Dear Big Daddy, Will you miss Dubya as much as Jon Stewart will? Or will the nonsensicality within our own state give you enough to fulminate about? – Sesquipedalian in Spreckles

Dear Sesquip,

Ah, the backside of January. That time of year when we realize how much we really do like

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Dear Big Daddy,

As someone who lived in Europe for several years, I can’t help but wonder if the real problem with the budget crisis is the two-party system. Wouldn’t more parties mean greater flexibility, less partisanship—and quicker budget deals?


Dear Snooty Expat,

It’s true, there

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Big Daddy weighs in on the wisdom of making resolutions
when this year is probably going to be a lot like the
last stinker.

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Dear Big Daddy, If Obama’s Senate seat is worth half a million, what would Dianne Feinstein’s seat go for if she resigns in 2010 to run for governor? –Curious in Cupertino

Dear Curious,

Ah, Chicago-style politics. Not only is that phrase descriptive almost to the point of being redundant—sort of like

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Hey Big Daddy, Do you think that joint session of the Legislature will bring us any closer to a budget resolution? Frustrated in Fullerton

Hey Frustrated,

Well, it was quite a show. It really did feel like the grown-ups were brought in to tell the kids just how serious the problem

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Hey Big Daddy, So, looks like we’ve got another legislative standoff. What do you think the punishment should be for legislators not passing a budget on time? Chapped in Chico

Hey Chapped,

I was just trolling through what I consider to be the second-most trusted source of political information – –

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