Capitol Weekly Podcast: Who Saved the Redwoods?

California’s Redwood forests are celebrated worldwide for their beauty and wonder – but few realize that the Redwoods came close to being logged out of existence. The first reports of California’s giant trees made it back to the US in the mid 1800s, before statehood. It wasn’t long afterward that loggers began harvesting the redwoods, often seeking the largest – and oldest – trees as their prime targets. By the early 20th Century, only a fraction of the Old Growth Redwoods remained, and activists from the then-new conservation movement rallied to save what was left. Authors Laura and James Wasserman tell the story of the women who led this movement in their new book, Who Saved the Redwoods? The Unsung Heroines of the 1920s Who Fought for Our Redwood Forests. Laura and James join John Howard and Tim Foster to tell the story on this episode of the Capitol Weekly Podcast.
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