Experts Expound
The Experts Expound
“The governor and the Senate’s leader predict a budget will be passed and signed by the end of the month? Wishful thinking or is a new era dawning?”
A new era has dawned — the Era of We’re Out of Tricks. The budget will be signed by the end of the month, or soon thereafter.
If it is, it will be the dawn of a new era.
A budget revision will be done by July 15th. The good news…we’ll get a summer recess. The bad news…a fast budget equals a bad budget for anyone who cares about programs and humanity. Deep cuts, no revenues, no shutting down of corporate tax cuts.
Not gonna happen by then….Each side will fall on its sword rather than sacrifice their ideology or core values.
A budget by the end of the month? Sell the state’s real estate when the economy is in the verge of inflation? Raise taxes when employers and others can’t pay their bills? Cut off state contracts back to March (if it’s even legal)? No budget this month.
Legislators are keenly aware that they are on thin ice. Any action is better than inaction.
The more the rhetoric sounds like last year, the worse trouble we’re in.
The nightmare will be in the Assembly this time, where a leadership vacuum on both sides and a vacant seat are a potential stumbling block for an on-time budget deal.
Wishful thinking of the most delusional kind. Do I hear August? September? Do I hear year-round budget debates resembling a dog trying to catch its tail without success? Besides, didn’t I hear just this year that the budget mess was resolved through tax hikes and we would have a spending package in place for 16 or so months without the usual, summer budget hoopla dance? If that wasn’t true then, why should I think it is true now?
“Wishful thinking” because I don’t think the Assembly is close yet…..
Did Arnold say he felt we need to have a legalization debate and the Senate leader started sampling?
Waaaay beyond wishful thinking. Try: “hallucinatory.”
Andrew Acosta, A.G. Block, Mark Bogetich, Barry Brokaw, Morgan Crinklaw, J Dale Debber, Peter DeMarco, Jim Evans, Kathy Fairbanks, Jeff Fuller, Rex Frazier, Ken Gibson, Evan Goldberg, Deborah Gonzalez, Sandy Harrison, Bob Hertzberg, Jason Kinney, Greg Lucas, Mike Madrid, Nicole Mahrt, Steve Maviglio, Adam Mendelsohn, Barbara O’Connor, Bill Packer, Kassy Perry, Jack Pitney, Adam Probolsky, Tony Quinn, Matt Rexroad, Matt Ross, Roger Salazar, Dan Schnur, Will Shuck, Ralph Simoni, Sam Sorich, Ray Sotero, Garry South, Kevin Spillane, Robin Swanson, Angie Wei, Rich Zeiger.
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