Posts Tagged: underserved


Communities of color regularly hurt by fossil-fuel energy plants

An industrial power plant festooned with smokestacks. (Photo: J.D.S., via Shutterstock)

OPINION: Every summer California fires up dirty fossil-fuel “peaker” power plants across the state to try to keep the lights on. Want to guess where these plants are usually located? That’s right, overwhelmingly in underserved neighborhoods and communities of color.


Prop. 46: Boosts legal costs, hurts health care

OPINION: That’s why our organizations, the California Medical Association and the Central Valley Health Network, strongly oppose Proposition 46 on the November 2014 ballot. We have joined a broad coalition that includes doctors, community health centers, hospitals, local governments, the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, business and labor groups and many others to fight this misleading ballot measure.

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