Posts Tagged: ticket


Amnesty for traffic fines, court fees in Brown’s budget

As rush hour approaches, traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge. (Photo: Frontpage)

Gov. Jerry Brown, who got nailed for parking in a yellow zone, is pushing an amnesty program for millions of California drivers caught in what he called a “hellhole of desperation” from spiraling legal fines and fees. Some 4.2 million California motorists – one in six drivers across the state – have suspended licenses because they can’t afford the fines, according to a recent study. Hardest hit are low-income drivers.


More voters avoid party labels

A California voter casts a ballot. (Photo: Vepar5)

Election 2014: As California voters head to the polls, state elections officials report a continued surge in the percentage of registered voters with no party preference and further erosion in the percentages of voters registered with the Republican and Democratic parties.


Time marches on: Parking meters in political dispute

After receiving complaints from motorists, the L.A. City Council repealed the ordinance allowing ticketing at broken meters, but left open the possibility of revisiting the issue after six months. Gatto’s bill bars L.A. from looking at the issue gain in six months.

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