Posts Tagged: net metering


A high-energy debate erupts over California’s solar power

Roof top solar panels on rooftops in a Southern California neighborhood. (Photo: Simone Hogan, via Shutterstock)

Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger championed an effort to install a million solar energy systems throughout the state. Fifteen years later, lured by incentives, there are more than 1.3 million solar rooftops that produce enough electricity for millions of homes across California. But a sharp debate is brewing among energy experts, the utilities, consumers and labor interests about fairness of the original program, called “net metering.”


Solar power, like the sun, should belong to us all

Solar panels arranged in California's Mojave Desert. (Photo: Andfrei Orlov, via Shuttertstock)

OPINION: Local solar power — on our roofs and in our neighborhoods — has always been a more nimble and resilient form of clean energy, but now we know that consumer solar is also cost-effective leaving little doubt that it should  be a key element of the state’s energy transition.

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