Posts Tagged: leukemia


It’s time to take action to address blood cancers in California

Blood cancer cells, image by Lightspring

OPINION – The numbers California is experiencing in blood cancers are extremely concerning, and unfortunately, the American Cancer Society (ACS) predicts these numbers will get worse. In fact, the ACS forecasts that California will be the leading state for lymphoma, Leukemia and myeloma-related deaths in 2023.


Stem cell agency: $16 million-plus in grants

A stem cell researcher at work. (Photo: 18percentgrey, via Shutterstock)

The California stem cell agency handed out $16.4 million in research grants seeking therapies for afflictions ranging from gum disease and cancer to vision loss and Parkinson’s Disease. The award for Parkinson’s was relatively tiny — only $150,000 — but represented a rare case in which the agency’s governing board overturned its reviewers, who make the de facto decisions on awards

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