Posts Tagged: John Briggs


The End of the Annex, First Draft of the Bill of Rights and MUCH more with State Librarian Greg Lucas

California State Librarian Greg Lucas

CAPITOL WEEKLY PODCAST: California State Librarian Greg Lucas joins us for a wide-ranging discussion that includes his memories of The Annex, the fraternal culture that prevailed in the building decades ago, the changing nature of political media coverage, the role the Schwarzeneggers played in reimagining the Capitol, and a look at the nature of Democracy itself.


Death penalty: Ron Briggs’ odyssey

The execution chamber at San Quentin Prison

Ron Briggs was always an ardent supporter of the death penalty. His father John Briggs, former state assemblyman and senator, was a driving force behind a 1978 initiative that expanded the list of special circumstances required for a death sentence. But today, Ron Briggs is one the biggest opponents of capital punishment. He campaigned for Proposition 62, which would have ended the state’s death penalty and was rejected by voters this month.

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