Posts Tagged: healthier future


Those living near gas plants want a healthier future, too

Homes in a middle-class neighborhood across the street from an oil refinery in Southern California. (Photo: trekandshoot, via Shutterstock)

OPINION: Communities living next to gas plants constantly worry about the next disaster, like the 2021 Russell City Energy Center explosion, that could upend their lives. Beyond safety risks and intense air pollution impacts, gas plants have also repeatedly been unreliable in moments of high electricity demand.


For seniors’ dental care, Medicare needs to step up

A photo illustration of two aspects of age -- false teeth and glasses. (Image: Arrfoto, via Shutterstock)

OPINION: Strengthening Medicare by adding dental benefits could help more than 4.5 million in California; the largest number of Medicare beneficiaries of any state. Most seniors are surprised to learn that when they retire and begin to rely on Medicare for their health coverage, they are left without oral health care. In fact, of the 60 million Medicare beneficiaries, more than two-thirds don’t have any dental coverage at all.

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