Posts Tagged: gas-powered cars


California’s EV mandate will affect commercial real estate owners too

Image by Felipe Sanchez via Shutterstock

In order for California to reach the lofty goal of 100 percent zero-emission vehicle sales in only 12 more years, it’s estimated more than 1 million new charging stations will need to be brought online, necessitating some serious, physical changes to scores of gas stations, mini-marts, convenience stores and even apartment buildings up and down the state.


Climate change: Other options than just cutting gas-powered cars

Out for a spin on a California coastal road. (Photo: oneinchpunch, via Shutterstock)

OPINION Rather than imposing climate austerity measures that perpetuate poverty, there are wiser investments we can make today that will have a greater impact on reducing wildfires and creating healthier forests without adversely impacting disadvantaged communities, people of color, and the struggling middle class in our state. 

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