Posts Tagged: gaps


Amid jitters, experts eye potential California recession

A 3D rendering of stock indices in open space. (Image: Vitaly Sosnofsky)

There are clouds on California’s economic horizon, but whether they herald a coming recession is uncertain. The experts agree that there is a slowdown, but there is little consensus beyond that.


Transportation plans stymied

A mid-1930s truck on a Kern County highway. (Photo: Joseph Sohm, Shutterstock)

OPINION: They blew it. Fifteen months ago, Governor Brown called the Legislature into special session to find new ways to pay for the state’s aging transportation system.


UC money trail strewn with bumps

The governor, who has described himself as tight with a buck, set out to prove it before the UC Regents when he said they needed to bite into a “reality sandwich” if they were thinking of getting more than a 5 percent hike in state funds. The increase Brown granted in this year’s budget was relatively modest but desperately needed to fill some gaps for UC.

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