Posts Tagged: foster youth


Governor Newsom: make home a safe space for all youth

Image by Gajus

OPINION – As a former foster youth who is also transgender, finding a home where I felt safe was a struggle for most of my life. Governor Newsom has a chance to ensure that youth who are transitioning out of foster care have the safety of a home where they can be themselves by signing a bill headed to his desk, AB 2802 by Assemblymember Brian Maienschein (D-San Diego).


What are the impacts of Kaiser’s no-bid contract on Medi-Cal?

The Kaiser Permanente hospital in San Diego, a 617,000-square foot facility. (Photo: Roaming Panda Photos)

OPINION: In giving private health care giant Kaiser Permanente a broad, no-bid Medi-Cal contract that is light on detail, the state could unwind over 40 years of locally driven health care coordination and collaboration for the most vulnerable among us.

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