Posts Tagged: events


How a Ticketmaster bill apparently went off the rails

Photo by AP

Lawmakers from D.C. to California are calling for tighter regulations on event ticket-selling giant Ticketmaster. But efforts to do so in California have into finger pointing and recriminations that leave those potential reforms in limbo.


Childhood trauma a crucial public health issue

A fearful child seeks to protect herself. (Photo: 271 EAK MOTO, via Shutterstock)

Preventing childhood trauma should be one of the top goals of California policymakers, a coalition of child advocates say. In California alone, more than 1.5 million children have had two or more adverse childhood experiences, according to advocacy group Children Now, another co-sponsor of the policymaker education day.


Capitol debate brewing over beer

A stout beckons at a craft brewer's tasting. Photo: Maxy M., Shutterstock.

A debate is brewing in Sacramento over regulating California beer. “There has been a concern that there has been inadequate enforcement staff available,” said Assemblyman Wesley Chesbro, D-Arcata, whose district includes at least 15 breweries. The issue is whether the state’s Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control has enough people to effectively regulate brewers, especially the increasingly popular craft brewing industry.


Wright, Calderon, Yee suspended from Senate

Three state Senators – one convicted of voter fraud and perjury and the other two facing federal corruption charges – were suspended from office Friday effective immediately. The Senate voted 28-1 to suspend Sens. Leland Yee of San Francisco, Ron Calderon of Montebello and Rod Wright of Inglewood – all Democrats.


Extreme weather, climate change linked

San Gabriel Dam

OPINION: Sacramento, for example, experienced the driest year since they began measuring rainfall in 1878. Conditions are so dry that some cities in the Central Valley are already imposing water rationing orders and more are expected to follow. According to the U.S. Drought Monitoring System, approximately 85% of the state is suffering from severe drought, and the snow pack is so meager in some places, there is simply no snow to measure.

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