Posts Tagged: California Climate Investments


ROADMAP 2035: What Now – Timelines and Implementation

ROADMAP 2035, Panel 2 – What Now: Timelines and Implementation. Panelists: Dr. Jen Gress, California Air Resources Board; Kip Lipper, Policy Advisor to the Sen. Pro Tem; Michael Pimentel, California Transit Association; Scott Wetch, Carter, Wetch and Associates. Moderated by Ari Plachta, Sacramento Bee. Photo by Scott Duncan, Capitol Weekly

CAPITOL WEEKLY PODCAST: This Special Episode of the Capitol Weekly Podcast was recorded live at Capitol Weekly’s conference examining California’s climate goals: ROADMAP 2035: Cars, Carbon and Climate Change – How Do We Meet California’s Zero Emissions Goals? which was held in Sacramento at the California Endowment Conference Center on Thursday, May 25, 2023. This is Panel 2 – What Now: Timelines and Implementation.


Climate investments support jobs across California

Windmills at the Tehachapi Pass Wind Farm in Southern California, generating clean renewable electrical energy. (Photo: Patrick Poendl, via Shutterstock)

OPINION:At this week’s Global Climate Action Summit, the focus is not on countries’ efforts to curb climate change, but on how cities, states, businesses, nonprofits and other non-national actors are building a low-carbon future from the bottom up. As the host state, California is in the spotlight. And do we have a story to tell.

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