Posts Tagged: AIDS Healthcare Foundation


California’s golden years, turning to dust

Image by designer491

OPINION – Most retired people live on fixed incomes from Social Security or a pension. In addition, if they have put money aside through retirement accounts, they have calculated how much they need to live and how long their money will last. When inflation outstrips the money they earn, it throws a wrench into those plans.


The rent’s too damn high: A conversation with AHF’s Michael Weinstein

Michael Weistein

CAPITOL WEEKLY PODCAST: Michael Weinstein, is the president of the LA-based AIDS Healthcare Foundation, a sprawling international nonprofit with the stated mission of providing its 1.5 million global clients with “cutting-edge medicine and advocacy regardless of ability to pay.” Weinstein is also the driving force behind several statewide ballot measures, including two previously failed attempts to implement statewide rent control. Undeterred, he is back again this year with a new rent control measure on the November ballot. This time he could also face a challenge of his own – a competing measure aimed at limiting his ability to use AHF funds for these other political campaigns. He’s here today to talk about all of this with us.


Corporate landlords’ misinformation campaign to stop rent control

Image by italii Vodolazskyi

OPINION – With the 2024 election just 10 months away, Californians are being flooded with misinformation about the Justice for Renters Act, a much-needed statewide ballot measure that expands rent control. To confuse and scare voters, corporate landlords and the California Apartment Association (CAA) are spreading lies to kill the initiative.


Prop. 60: Condoms’ hard battle

A camera ready for lights and action. (Billion Photos, via Shutterstock)

Strange bedfellows: The Democratic, Republican, and Libertarian parties in California all oppose Proposition 60, a measure aimed at blocking unprotected sex in adult films. But the condom requirement is only part of the opposition. They also see enforcement problems, leaving the performers vulnerable to lawsuits and privacy violations.

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