Self-checkout bill takes away consumer choice

OPINION – Californians of a certain age might remember the controversy that arose when gas stations converted to self-service pumps rather than requiring customers to wait for an attendant. They might also remember the days before ATMs when they had to go inside a bank – weekdays, between 9 and 5 – just to deposit a check or take out some cash.
Each of those transitions was driven by technology and by a desire to make transactions faster and more convenient to consumers. Today those conveniences are embedded in daily life – and no Californian would ever choose to go back to the way things were.
With every such transition there is resistance from those who fear change and seek to stymie it. This year the California Legislature is being asked to take such an obstructionist stance. Consumers must demand that their lawmakers not put their heads in the sand.
The target of this resistance is a technology that has been in use for years now in retail shopping: self-service checkout stands. This technology makes life easier for consumers who may, for instance, just want to run into a grocery store to buy a couple of items on the way home from work.
Consumers appreciate this convenience. I see that every day in grocery stores as I observe the behavior of shoppers. A survey last year by a retail trade news organization found that 44 percent of consumers prefer using self-checkout over traditional checkout, and that an additional 10 percent prefer even higher-tech options.
A bill before the state Assembly, SB 1446, seeks to tell consumers that they should have no such choices. It would place such restrictive requirements on the use of self-checkouts that stores such as mine might have to abandon them altogether. It would require that one employee be stationed fulltime between every two self-checkout stands. It would prohibit self-checkout for the purchase of any items, such as razors, that are secured by locks. Further, it would place onerous requirements on any retailer considering the use of “consequential workplace technology” such as wearable sensors or self-checkout robotics.
California, long a leader in technology, should be the last place to mandate that shopping environments be forever stuck in the past.
A stated reason for these proposed restrictions is that they might help to reduce the incidence of retail theft. Those of us in the business know better. To protect their safety, we would never ask our employees to confront suspected shoplifters. That is the job of security personnel who are trained to handle such encounters.
We are obviously concerned about retail theft, and our organization whole-heartedly supports reforms that are being backed by law enforcement experts to combat these crimes. Restricting the use of self-checkout stands is certainly not among them.
As with any transition, adjustments must be made. We know that for our customers every trip to the store is different. When buying many items, many shoppers find that traditional checkout is simpler and faster than scanning and bagging goods themselves. That remains an option. Large retailers such as Walmart and Target are scaling back their use of self-checkout kiosks, citing customer preferences at specific stores and locations. This decision should ultimately be left to retailers who know their operations and customers best — not someone in Sacramento.
As with every shopping experience, a one-size approach does not fit all circumstances. That is why the last thing California needs is a state law that mandates what options retailers like me can provide for our customers.
The grocery business is competitive. We know that customers choose their stores based on several criteria – and that none is more important than the customer experience. Sometimes, the experience they want is quick convenience; sometimes, it’s personalized service; always, it’s a welcoming environment. It’s the grocer’s job to ensure each customer’s shopping trip is delightful every time they walk through our doors.
Just like gas stations and banks, grocery stores must continue to adapt to the times. Lawmakers can’t turn back the clock –and they must not turn their backs on consumers who want to shop exactly the way they choose.
Lynn Melillo, Vice President of Asset Management at Bristol Farms, is Chair of the California Grocers Association’s Board of Directors.
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