
California legislative process obstacles

Image by cbies

It does not come as a surprise for readers to know there are numerous obstacles to overcome during the legislative process in the California Legislature. These obstacles are generally categorized as policy, fiscal, and political obstacles that may need to be addressed as a bill makes its way through the legislative process in this state.


Steven Suchil: a remembrance

Steve and Jan Suchil

As he became a fixture in Sacramento’s Capitol community during a 36-year career working on insurance and finance issues in the California Legislature, State executive agencies and the private sector, Steven M. Suchil had a simple formula for success. “To be effective,” he said, “your word has to be your bond.”


Au revoir, Anthony Wright

CAPITOL WEEKLY PODCAST: We’re joined today by two guests: first up, Anthony Wright, the longtime Executive Director at Health Access California, who will be leaving soon to take a new position as Executive Director at Families USA in DC. We also welcome redistricting expert, campaign strategist, and former mayor of Winters, Matt Rexroad, who joins us to talk about the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Worst Week in California Politics.


How a Ticketmaster bill apparently went off the rails

Photo by AP

Lawmakers from D.C. to California are calling for tighter regulations on event ticket-selling giant Ticketmaster. But efforts to do so in California have into finger pointing and recriminations that leave those potential reforms in limbo.


Mike Madrid and The Latino Century

Detail of The Latino Century cover art

CAPITOL WEEKLY PODCAST: Longtime GOP strategist and expert on Latino voting trends Mike Madrid joins us to talk about his new book, The Latino Century: How America’s Largest Minority Is Transforming Democracy. Madrid was a co-founder of The Lincoln Project, served as the political director for the California Republican Party, and has been senior adviser to both Democrats and Republicans. Madrid will be no stranger to our regular listeners – he has for years been making his case for questioning the ‘conventional wisdom’ regarding Latino voters, and argues that both parties are stuck in an out of date orthodoxy – and has the data to back it up.

Micheli Files

Emergency Rulemaking in California

Emergency by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images

Under California’s Administrative Procedure Act (APA), there are two forms of rulemaking that are authorized to be conducted by executive branch agencies and departments: regular and emergency. The two rulemaking processes have different requirements; Chris Micheli walks us through the procedures.


Special Episode: Covering California, Keynote – Senator Steve Glazer

Senator Steve Glazer delivers the Keynote at Covering California: The Future of Journalism in the Golden State. Photo by Joha Harrison, Capitol Weekly.

CAPITOL WEEKLY PODCAST: This Special Episode of the Capitol Weekly Podcast was recorded live at Capitol Weekly’s conference COVERING CALIFORNIA: The Future of Journalism in the Golden State, which was held in Sacramento on Thursday, May 30, 2024. This is The Keynote Address from Senator Steve Glazer.

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