Micheli Files

California legislation and the single subject rule

Image by peterschreiber.media

Many Capitol observers are aware of the single subject rule. Some know that the California Constitution, in Article II, Section 8(d), provides that “an initiative measure embracing more than one subject may not be submitted to the electors or have any effect.” But does a similar rule exist for bills considered by the California Legislature?

Micheli Files

Statutory and regulatory laws on California underground regulations

Image by Vitalii Vodolazskyi

The California Office of Administrative Law (OAL) is charged with ensuring that executive branch agency and department regulations are “clear, necessary, legally valid, and available to the public.” OAL is responsible for reviewing proposed regulations by California’s more than 200 state agencies and departments that have rulemaking authority.


Special Episode: Covering California, Panel 2 – The Business of Journalism

Covering California, Panel 2: The Business of Journalism – Redefining the Model. Senator Nancy Skinner; Chris Argentieri, Los Angeles Times; Neil Chase, Calmatters; Steve Stuck, Urban Edge Consulting. Moderated by Edie Lambert, KCRA 3. Photo by Joha Harrison, Capitol Weekly

CAPITOL WEEKLY PODCAST: This Special Episode of the Capitol Weekly Podcast was recorded live at Capitol Weekly’s conference COVERING CALIFORNIA: The Future of Journalism in the Golden State, which was held in Sacramento on Thursday, May 30, 2024. This is Panel 2 – The Business of Journalism – Redefining the Model.

Panelists: Senator Nancy Skinner; Chris Argentieri, Los Angeles Times; Neil Chase, CalMatters; Steve Stuck, Urban Edge Consulting. Moderated by Edie Lambert, KCRA 3


Special Episode: Covering California, Panel 3 – Covering the Capitol

COVERING CALIFORNIA: Panel 3 - Covering the Capitol. Laurel Rosenhall, John Myers, Lara Korte, Cynthia Moreno, Ashley Zavala, Greg Lucas. Photo by Joha Harrison, Capitol Weekly.

CAPITOL WEEKLY PODCAST: This Special Episode of the Capitol Weekly Podcast was recorded live at Capitol Weekly’s conference Covering California: The Future of Journalism in the Golden State, which was held in Sacramento on Thursday, May 30, 2024.

This is Panel 3 – Covering the Capitol. Panelists: Lara Korte, Politico; Greg Lucas, California State Librarian; Cynthia Moreno, Press Secretary for Speaker Robert Rivas; John Myers, CalPERS; Ashley Zavala, KCRA 3. Moderated by Laurel Rosenhall, Los Angeles Times.


The future of journalism? A lot of uncertainty.

Senator Steve Glazer. Photo by Joha Harrison, Capitol Weekly

Panelists at Capitol Weekly’s Covering California: The Future of Journalism in the Golden State conference on Thursday were blunt in their assessment of the news business these days – it’s not good, and it probably won’t get better anytime soon.

Experts Expound

Experts Expound: The Gaza effect

Image by Yuliia Bukovska

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has sparked intense debates and protests all over the country. With that in mind, we asked our panel of experts to weigh in on how this might impact the November elections. The question: Will ongoing campus strife over the situation in Gaza negatively impact Dems at any level of government in November? 

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