
Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I enjoyed your article on Dick Floyd [Capitol Weekly, Nov. 17]. As a former
staffer and chief counsel to the Assembly Public Safety Committee
(1999-2004), I had the opportunity to listen to Mr. Floyd quite a
bit–sometimes too much, when it was late at night.

I don’t know if you remember when he announced during a floor debate about
voting for gun control how the Columbine massacre reminded him of his
service in Korea, and that he would never forget the smell of blood. His
comments stood out so much from the rest because they were so personal and
real, unlike much of what is said during legislative debates. On a lighter
side, Mr. Floyd also spoke on the floor once about how he was sitting in the
men’s bathroom, reading the newspaper during session, when he heard the
distinctive voice of Republican Assemblymember George House. This motivated
Floyd to set aside the paper and quickly proceed to the Assembly chamber so
as to be heard.

Bruce Chan
San Francisco

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