Experts Expound

Experts Expound

The conventional wisdom is that McClintock protects Schwarzenegger’s right
flank. Is this true? Does McClintock’s close association with Schwarzenegger
help either one? Is this round one of McClintock’s 2010 gubernatorial

Democrats will mock this new political Odd Couple to show that the governor
has no core values. It also gives them a new opportunity to peel off any
Democratic support he is looking for.

The ticket approach helps both candidates. Schwarzenegger can help
McClintock attract moderate voters and financial support. McClintock can
convince conservatives that the only way he’ll ever get to be governor is if
Arnold wins this year. It’s a win-win for both of them.

For the very first time, we see McClintock choose pragmatism over values.
After all, you have to win to govern. But be sure of this: if Tom McClintock
were a termed-out legislator who had no hopes of higher office, he would be
on the sidelines with the rest of the disenfranchised conservative base of
the party throwing rocks at the governor.

No question. McClintock covers the Governor on his right flank. Especially
the louder folks

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