Experts Expound

Experts Expound

What happens on the GOP side in California’s February 5 presidential primary? The far right weakens Rudy? Good-looking Mitt wins in the media state? TV’s favorite prosecutor, Fred Thompson, gets the nod? Does the winner here take the nomination?

If it’s Fred, he’s more likely to take a nap than take the nomination. And if it’s Rudy, he’s more likely to take the Fifth.
Rudy wins and ultimately wins the nomination.
I am going out on a limb: Mitt it is and yes he is the nominee.
Thompson wins because Republicans just can’t get enough of shallow, no-dimensional, second-tier celebrities. Also, Giuliani craters, exposing as false the argument that the party is capable of expanding its activist base beyond social conservatives.
1: Rudy, 2: Mitt, 3: doesn’t matter.

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