Job training a valuable tool for managing uncertain job market
OPINION – Job seekers also play a crucial role in their own professional development by actively seeking opportunities to acquire and enhance their skills
OPINION – Job seekers also play a crucial role in their own professional development by actively seeking opportunities to acquire and enhance their skills
OPINION – California’s local government industrial complex has learned how to work the political system to keep resources flowing even when clients stop coming through the door.
OPINION: A new regulatory proposal surrounding PM2.5 comes at a time when the impact of implementation would cause severe and far-reaching consequences.
OPINION: A recent rule proposed by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) that would force the California maritime industry to invest in “emissions-reducing” technologies that are not only unavailable, but unsafe for American mariners.
OPINION: The next U.S. Senator from California will be only the third member of the House of Representatives to ascend to the position in more than a half-century. The big question is: Who will it be?
OPINION – Governor DeSantis gave migrants the opportunity to share the benefits of living in California, the Golden State, which has a more elaborate social services network than Florida.
OPINION: California’s voters and courts have made clear that Prop 22 should be here to stay. Unfortunately, legal challenges have consistently put our record of innovation to the test.
OPINION: Only the United States continues to use solitary confinement in a widespread and systematic manner, despite the clear evidence that the practice is not only a human rights violation but serves no rehabilitative purpose.
OPINION: In California, where the housing affordability crisis only has worsened over the years, LGBTQ+ tenants are struggling to maintain stable, affordable housing.
OPINION – Cash payouts alone will not restore fundamental civil rights to California’s 2.25 million Black residents.