OPINION – Some lawmakers are pushing to rush through the Delete Act (SB 362), allowing consumers to wipe their online data in one fell swoop. Concerningly, there is a lengthy list of unintended consequences for small businesses and consumers that policymakers need to consider.
OPINION – In California, an estimated 26,970 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. AB 632, authored by Assemblymember Mike Gipson, will allow more men to receive prostate cancer screenings without the worry of excessive healthcare expenses.
OPINION – Big Real Estate executives can lay out mountains of cash for their multimillion dollar toys and parties because they rake in billions through excessive rent increases which are either poorly regulated or not regulated at all.
OPINION – Homelessness is more than just the lack of stable housing; it is a complex issue that affects nearly every facet of a person’s life, such as their ability to access healthy foods, gain employment, and effectively manage health conditions. The result of these traumas can reduce life expectancy by more than 20 years.
OPINION: Sound investment decisions depend on access to sound information, and when it comes to assessing the climate impacts associated with large companies’ activities and products, we are flying blind. That is why I ardently support California’s Senate Bill 253, the Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act.
OPINION – I see it all the time in my practice— prior authorization used to be required for only expensive, elective or new procedures, but it is now required for some of the most basic prescription drugs. And the data bears out what physicians are seeing, because while frequency rates of prior authorization denials in the commercial market remains mostly secret, we know that where we do have information – in the Medicaid and Medicare markets – the data paints a worrying picture.
OPINION: AB 1651 ensures epinephrine is never locked up at school during emergencies. It lets trained staff and volunteers give it to students if a school nurse isn’t available. It will ensure immediate access to the only lifesaving drug for people with food allergies.
OPINION – The exclusive right to operate bank card games is constitutionally guaranteed to tribal nations as a path to re-establish our sovereignty and rebuild many of our tribal nations which were torn down by years of oppression and injustice. It is a right we take seriously, and a right we depend on to support our people.
OPINION – Even as California has made great strides and raised the bar on climate action, it has not adequately planned for our long-term energy needs. Now we are at a turning point. We need a plan to reach the state’s new clean energy targets of 90 percent by 2035 and 95 percent by 2040 on the road to 100 percent by 2045.
OPINION – A new proposal nearing passage in the Legislature threatens the delicate balance of consensus between environmentalists and the business community. Senate Bill SB 253 would place significant new burdens on businesses – including medium and small businesses – without removing a single molecule of carbon dioxide or other climate pollutants from the atmosphere.