OPINION – California was already experiencing a workforce shortage among mental health care workers prior to the pandemic. A 2022 report from the California Health Care Foundation found that the state has less than 12 licensed psychiatrists and slightly more than 44 licensed psychologists per 100,000 people. Since-adopted payment reform has only made it worse.
OPINION – California has no statewide goal exists to ensure a sustainable water supply for California’s future. What big, bold vision has ever been achieved without first setting a goal?
OPINION – When it comes to expenditures of public funds, taxpayers of every political stripe deserve accountability. Above all, they want to know that their hard-earned dollars are not padding the pockets of unscrupulous actors who fail to honor the public’s trust. California’s most recent legislative session delivered real protections on this metric, though you may not have heard about it yet.
OPINION – Following decades of activist struggle, Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill that would have made our state the first to outlaw caste discrimination, an ancient form of ancestry-based social stratification endemic to South Asia but also unfortunately upheld by diasporic communities in California. In vetoing SB 403, Newsom has not only blocked vital protections for this marginalized community, but also played into the broader political agenda of a group of powerful Hindu nationalist organizations who drove opposition to the bill.
OPINION – The Orange County Sustainability Decathlon (OCSD) is a new state-sponsored competition, courtesy State Senator Dave Min, which challenges college students to build housing units that address the climate crisis (as well as workforce development, homelessness, and affordable housing).
OPINION – California’s 30×30 initiative focuses on conserving biodiversity, building climate resilience, and creating equitable access to nature through projects and actions that will be undertaken by diverse stakeholders across the state.
OPINION – California is letting our athletes down. From high school athletes to the amateur physically active individual entering their first marathon, California is failing to protect them.
OPINION – The California Public Utilities Commission should be applauded for its efforts to help California lead in advancing “broadband for all.” But misguided CPUC rulemaking on service quality threatens to reverse years of progress.
OPINION – Each breast cancer patient has their own story. For some of us, breast cancer runs in our family and we’ve had family discussions about our risk. For others, the diagnosis comes out of left field and there’s nowhere to turn.
OPINION – Since my suggestion of reducing bill limits in the California Legislature does not appear to be taking hold, I have a new proposal to stimulate some discussion about this topic and would welcome feedback. Here is my proposal: How about requiring bills to be introduced at least one month earlier in the year?