
More Cal Grant opportunities are key to equity in higher education

Image by michaeljung

OPINION – Education is a game-changer that allows people to transcend their circumstances. Our Cal Grant program continues to sustain students, no matter their parents’ immigration status, but there are many outdated rules that still keep hundreds of thousands of needy students out. 


It’s time for California to replace harmful language

Mental health stigma. Image by designer491

OPINION – Two bills currently in the state Legislature follow the lead of many in the disability rights movement by bringing our state’s codes up to date with person-first language where appropriate and stop the stigmatization around mental health conditions and substance use disorders.


CA urgently needs energy affordability and reliability solutions

High voltage transmission towers - image by peterschreiber.media

OPINION – California urgently needs solutions to our energy affordability and reliability crisis, especially as we approach summer and inevitable heat waves that drive up temperatures along with energy bills. Fortunately, a suite of bills rapidly advancing through the state legislature would go a long way towards solving problems of energy reliability, affordability and safety.


Investing now to keep the Central Valley safe from megafloods

Source: River Partners

OPINION – We all know it. You shouldn’t wait to close the barn door until after the horse has bolted.  That’s an important lesson for Central Valley communities today. California didn’t experience floods this past winter like we did in 2023. But given that the legislature is writing a bond now, this is the time to speak up to keep our communities safe from catastrophic flooding in the future. 


Green schoolyards build lifelong learners

Image by LeManna

OPINION – By including $1 billion for green schoolyards in this year’s education bond, we are investing in our children’s future and giving teachers more tools to engage their students and create new learning experiences.


Health care affordability efforts must include everyone

Image by Apichat Noipang

OPINION – California’s Office of Healthcare Affordability (OHCA) recently adopted spending targets to slow healthcare spending growth and make it more affordable for Californians. The targets are ambitious and will be difficult to meet. 

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