Experts Expound
“Whither Arnold Schwarzenegger? Does he do Terminator 4 and have success in the public arena or does he slink off into the sunset?”
Arnold Schwarzenegger “slink off into the sunset?” That’s like asking if a peacock will stop preening because he got dust on his tail feathers. Like a peacock, Arnold’s DNA is wired
Experts Expound
“Is 2012 the year that Democrats win two-thirds majorities in the Assembly or Senate – or both?”
It all depends on two things: redistricting and the Top Two election format. If the Gaines race is any indication, all-cut budget types in the GOP will have a tough time selling their extremism, especially with Obama and
Experts Expound
“Does anyone, anywhere see the possibility of a compromise agreement on the state budget? If so, what would it be?”
The possibility of compromise exists. Republicans aren’t so hidebound and moronic that every single one of them would hold out for the kind of draconian cuts necessary to balance the budget without some revenue enhancements.
Experts Expound
The compensation commission, which zapped lawmakers’ state-paid cars, is considering eliminating per diem. Is this prudent fiscal policy or just more Legislature bashing?
Geez, honestly, I am ALMOST starting to feel sorry for them – and also for lobbyists – who will be asked for more contributions from clients to legislators’ campaign accounts to help
Experts Expound
“The CTA (and some others, too) is urging Brown to forget the ballot and push for legislative approval of his tax plan. Brown says he still wants a budget election. What’s the best outcome here?”
The unions are afraid that should Brown go the initiative route that anti-tax advocates will put pension reform on the
Experts Expound
“A ‘Hail Mary’ at the 11th hour? Gov. Brown goes on the road to sell his budget to the public. Why? Is he launching a campaign for his own ballot initiative?”
Road trips didn’t work for Arnold and they won’t work for Jerry.
This is the official launch of a signature-based ballot initiative. The Gov
Experts Expound
“The budget, what else? The negotiations have blown up with a bang. So what happens now?”
Severe and painful cuts.
Brown now has to do what he should have done in the first place – start collecting signatures for a ballot measure. He essentially wasted three months negotiating with and sucking up to Republicans, who
Experts Expound
“Is a November ballot initiative on tax extensions feasible? That’s a possibility eyed by Brown, who thus far can’t pry loose Republican votes for his special election on the budget.”
Of course it’s feasible: you can get anything on the ballot with a few million dollars. The question is whether it is desirable. A June
Experts Expound
“The Field Poll says a majority of Californians want a chance to vote on the governor’s budget, even though they oppose tax hikes. Where does this leave Republicans?”
When did Republicans start making decisions based on what the majority of Californians want?
Notice that Republican voters are opposed. Also the poll has a major flaw
Experts Expound
“So what happens now on the state budget? Does Jerry Brown pull a rabbit out of a hat, or are we in for a long, hot summer?”
Jerry doesnt need a rabbit, he just needs … and likely will get … a few Republican legislators to trade in their principles for six-figure sinecures at