Experts Expound
“The public has lost faith in the leaders’ ability to deal with the state budget crisis. So how would you solve the budget crisis?”
There is no solution to the budget crisis.
First, I’d restore representative democracy by repealing the two-thirds requirement. Then, I’d rely on accounting gimmicks and rosy
Experts Expound
"Another feud in California politics: This week Jerry Brown seemed to provoke Gavin Newsom by considering the hire of Alex Tourk (Newsom's former aide who resigned after it was disclosed that Tourk's wife had an affair with Newsom). What is the nastiest political feud you can remember?
The Doris Allen speakership. Doris
Experts Expound
“It’s back: A ballot initiative to take redistricting away from the Legislature and turn it over to an independent commission. Is this a good idea? Would it really make a difference in the partisan makeup of the Capitol?”
This is a good idea for symbolic reasons. It eliminates a conflict-of-interest and restores
Experts Expound
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom has jumped into the governor's race. What are his chances?"
I am Governor Jerry Brown My aura smiles And never frowns Soon I will be president…
Zero or maybe 10 percent.
Let's hope his chances are horrid. Do we really
Experts Expound
"With gasoline at $4.50 a gallon and more increases likely, is it finally time to go to offshore oil drilling and develop new supplies?
How does this issue play out politically in California?
It is time we invaded Venezuela.
Yes, it's past time and we've let the U.S.
Experts Expound
The federally appointed prison receiver says state officials are guilty of deliberate obstruction for blocking his $7 billion plan, and may seek action from a federal judge. The state says it doesn’t have the money. Who is going to blink?
The state. The state’s going to blink. The governor and legislators can
Experts Expound
“Who do you think Obama and McCain will select as vice presidential running mates? Does convention timing play a role here (Dems meet first)?”
Let’s talk about the important stuff first – will the legislative session be completed by the time the conventions role around? Obama will pick a white male. So
Experts Expound
“Come November, McCain or Obama?”
McCain in a cakewalk.
Either way, we’re toast.
Right now, Obama appears to be getting stronger just as McCain is suffering from an endless string of mini- and not-so-mini-implosions. The great unknown is the Tom Bradley effect — how many
Experts Expound
The annual budget question: Is this the year California finally closes billions of dollars in tax loopholes in order to balance its books?
What? And stop the fun?
One man’s loophole is another man’s job creator. But who’d have thunk the Assembly Republicans (rather than the Senate GOP) would be
Experts Expound
“The governor’s odd budget is option-filled, with one option being selling the lottery or going to the voters to boost the sales tax. So how would you balance the budget?”
Moi? Balance the budget? Isn’t that why we pay Anthony Adams and Sally Lieber the big bucks?
I would cut