Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Dear Big Daddy,I heard there’s going to be another attempt next year to legalize marijuana. What do you think?–Margaret in Milpitas Dear Margaret,It will go nowhere, just like Proposition 19 went nowhere. It’s not that plenty of Californians don’t like marijuana, it’s just that those who do can’t put down their munchies and stop listening to

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Hey B.D.,I’ve been working in politics for about seven years and finally feel like I’m establishing myself. Problem is, just when I’ve got a good thing going in my career, my significant other is living two states away.

She’s a city girl, and isn’t exactly big on the idea of moving to Sacramento. What

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Dear Big Daddy,Is Jerry Brown a pre-term limits super-predator who has been thawed out in a modern era where no one knows how to handle him? Are our legislators dim-witted but tasty flightless birds who evolved with no predators? I could go on, but you get the idea.–Darwinist in DelanoDear Darwinist –Darwin’s natural selection applies

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Dear Big Daddy,Jerry Brown has spent more time in secret caucuses than Joe Stalin, but doesn’t seem to be getting anywhere in cajoling Republicans to sign off on a budget plan. What do you think?–Tense in Tiburon

Dear Tense,Not to worry. Budget negotiations are like the NBA – all the action is in the final

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Dear Big Daddy,What do you think about the new FPPC chair wanting to halt announcing when politicians are under investigation?–Irked in Imperial

Dear Irked,It’s a great idea, and it’s about time somebody stopped blabbing the names of people under investigation.

I know, I’ve been there, I speak with authority. Remember, perception is as important –

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Big Daddy,Okay, so what’s all this about the Third Lantern? Sounds sneaky and underhanded, so I thought I’d ask you.–Miffed in MilpitasHey Miffed,I’m shocked, shocked that someone would refer to me as sneaky and underhanded, although I know these thoughts arise regularly in Milpitas, where I spent two nights years ago.  I’ll deal with you

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Dear Big Daddy,

The Golden State seems to be tarnished. We don’t do big things anymore. What can we do to restore its luster?

–Addled in Anaheim


Dear Addled,

I ride trains and drink tap water, so I can speak with authority.

First, build the Peripheral Canal. Build it under, through or around the

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Dear Big Daddy,We’ve heard Brown, we’ve heard the Reeps, we’ve heard the touchy-feelies, we’ve heard the anti-taxers, we’ve even heard from Grover Norquist. So what happens now on the budget?–Anxious in Anaheim

Dear Anxious,Nothing now, a lot next month. Beware the Ides of March.

What this state really needs right now is a cadre of

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Dear Big Daddy,Meg Whitman’s campaign team was the first to refuse to attend UC Berkeley’s traditional postmortem symposium on the gubernatorial election.  Why?— Flummoxed in FairfieldDear Flummoxed,Would YOU want to get grilled by a pack of political junkies after you’d lit a match and burned through $180 mil of your pocket change, only to lose

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Dear Big Daddy,I’m a middle level manager in a big state department.  I travel all over California in my job and Jerry Brown says I’m about to lose my state-issued cell phone.  How am I going to communicate on the road?— Muted in Midtown, Modesto, Monrovia and Mono Hot Springs

Dear Muted,As someone whose days

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