Big Daddy
Hey Big Daddy,
All this talk about Democratic Party friction – Obama vs. Clinton – is it real? Inquiring minds want to know.
-Stuck in Sacramento
Hey Stuck,
Imagine there was something that you wanted real bad – say it's a teddy bear – and you've wanted
Big Daddy
Hey Big Daddy,
So, Nicole Parra is now politically homeless. What are your thoughts on the merits of moving her out of her Capitol office?
— Fran in Fresno
Hey Fran,
I understand the Democrats' desire to throw Nicole Parra out of her office. She's been openly
Big Daddy
Hey Big Daddy, So, it's almost here. Are you excited for the national conventions in Denver and Minneapolis?
– Wondering in Woodland
Hey Wondering,
Far be it from me to criticize anyone for wanting to go to a four-day party, with lots of free flowing booze, parties galore, free-flowing
Big Daddy
Hey Big Daddy, I’m an Assembly staffer, and I swear there’s a lobbyist working to kill her own bill. Am I paranoid, or does this actually happen? -Befuddled in B&P
Hey Befuddled,
Killing your own is a time-honored political tradition, but its origins are downright Darwinian. Lobbyists are not the only
Big Daddy
Hey Big Daddy, Dr. Edgar Mitchell – a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission – claims aliens exist. What do you think? Ross Wells, Chino Hills, Ca
Hey Ross,
After watching this budget negotiation process, or lack thereof, I can see why one might think there was life on other
Big Daddy
Hey Big Daddy, I was just sort of wondering, what ever happened to the Capitol Press corps? -Sam in Los Angeles
Hey Sam,
For your answer, let me point you to the left side of the infield from the old Abbott and Costello routine Who’s On First: I Don’t Know and
Big Daddy
Hey Big Daddy,
So, I work in a state office building that shall remain nameless, and a certain deputy director likes to continue his discussions not only into the bathroom, but into the stall. Is this normal? Should I tell H.R.?
-Revolted on R St.
Hey revolted,
Big Daddy
The summer of 2008 may be remembered as the summer of drought, fire and water rationing, or it may be remembered as the bellwether sign that California is facing a new normal when it comes to our weather and water supply.
California water management is founded on one simple assumption: that weather
Big Daddy
Hey Big Daddy,
I noticed this week that Gavin Newsom formed a committee to explore a run for governor. What do you think?
John Nelson, San Francisco
Dear John,
The exploratory committee is a creation of modern politics, and not a good one. Its very existence
Big Daddy
Dear Big Daddy, The problem is that *some* people are incapable of driving safely while talking on a cell phone. Those same people are pretty much incapable of driving well while off a cell phone also, but what the hell, let's just make a law that punishes everyone else, too. -Sarkoon