Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Hey Big Daddy, So, I see the gubernatorial candidates finally all got together. What’s your sense of the field at this point? And what do you make of the Bill Clinton endorsement of Gavin Newsom?

Watching in Washington

Hey Watching, It’s good to see our governor’s race is already getting some national

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Dear Big Daddy, Here’s a softball for you: what is it with politicians who can’t keep their pants on? Our Assemblyman, Mike Duvall, just got caught bragging about an affair with a lobbyist who had business before the committee where he’s vice chair. What was he thinking?

Braying in Brea

Dear Braying,

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Hey Big Daddy, What are your thoughts on this week’s elections?

Gleeful in Gardena

Hey Gleeful, Well, this week’s two special elections promised that at least one politician will get a promotion. Lieutenant Gov. John Garamendi’s big win over Mark DeSaulnier and Joan Buchanan this week means Big John will be off

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Hey Big Daddy, Meg Whitman is still avoiding debates with Steve Poizner and Tom Campbell. When will the mainstream media start focusing on this story? Meg Whitman is a fraud and a phony and trying to run away from voters until election day.

Outraged in Orinda

Hey Outraged, There’s an old saying

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Dear Big Daddy, Why are people standing around while bureaucrats from LA and factory farms drain the Delta? It’s like “Chinatown” all over again! –Paranoid in Prospect Slough   Dear Paranoid, This may seem like an odd comparison, but the water issue around here is starting to remind me of the health care debate

Big Daddy

City of San Diego, Orange County try

The city of San Diego and Orange County, both with a history of well-publicized budget troubles, have adopted similar cost-cutting pension reforms — a hybrid plan combining a monthly check with an individual investment account.

The hybrid gives the employer a more stable and predictable pension cost. In the San Diego and

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Hey Big Daddy, Do you think the state’s term-limits law will ever be changed? -Ready to Run in Redding

Hey Ready, Will and should are two different questions. But I do believe that someday, and hopefully someday soon, voters will recognize the error of their ways and change the disastrous term-limits law.

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Hey Big Daddy, Any final thoughts on the California state budget? How long do you think this band-aid will hold?

 Cynical in Ceres

Hey Cynical, I don’t much about the budget, but I do know this. As slumber parties go, that one totally blew. It was about as much fun as a

Big Daddy

Big Daddy

Hey Big Daddy, I recently visited the state Capitol with my family, and saw hordes of cameras gathered outside the governor’s office. That giant bear right in front was covered in microphones, and tourists were all blocking the halls waiting for the governor to come out. Is that safe? Is that normal?


Big Daddy

Ask Big Daddy

Hey Big Daddy, So, I read these AP stories about Dennis Hollingsworth hanging out with the governor and Susan Kennedy, and smoking cigars. What gives?

-Sullen State Worker

Hey Sullen, Ain’t it funny how life works? I seem to remember not too long ago, a certain freshly-minted Republican leader who shall remain

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