
Capitol Weekly podcast: Paul Mitchell

iIllustration: "The Great Wave of Kanagawa," Katsushika Hokusai, circa 1829-1833

Will California catch the wave?

In fact, is there a wave at all?

Last week’s elections in Virginia and elsewhere have been characterized by many as a Democratic wave — a wave that swamped Republican candidates in once-safe GOP seats and represents a harbinger of things to come next year. Is it similar to the wave, in reverse, that engulfed Congress in 1994 with the Republicans’ Contract with America?  The ripples from that wave were felt throughout California.

Energized Democrats, outraged at the leadership of Donald Trump,  are hoping to retake congress in 2018. In California, they have their sights set on seven House districts that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 but are represented by Republicans.

Political Data whiz Paul Mitchell joins the Capitol Weekly podcast to talk about last week’s results and what they do — or don’t — portend for California in 2018. We also chat about the strengths and weaknesses of polling.

Click here to listen in …

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