
Capitol Weekly’s Top 100: Ben Chida

10. Ben Chida

Ben Chida is a new name on this list, but you might as well get used to him – he’s going to be around awhile. Chida, 36, currently (it may change before we go to press) is the governor’s Senior Policy Adviser for Cradle to Career, and in the flow chart he’s formally listed as a chief deputy cabinet secretary. His priorities are education, civil justice, foster youth and children’s data. Chida knows about work and education: He was a third grade teacher at P.S. 325 in New York City, and worked as a roofer while attending a continuation high school and community college for five years. He attended Orange Coast College (hear that, No. 33 and No. 71?) and he served as an adviser to then-state Attorney General Kamala Harris. Somehow, he found time to be an adviser to nonprofits on data privacy. He has a B.A. from UC Berkeley and his law degree from Harvard Law School. Wait, we’re not finished yet: He also has a teaching certificate from Pace University in childhood education. Whew …

(Correction: an earlier version of this story listed Chida’s age as 35. He was 36 at time of publication)

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