
Survey: Brown’s ratings high, but “big projects” questioned

Gov. Jerry Brown at ceremonies in Fresno launching construction of California's bullet train. (Photo: Associated Press)

Governor Jerry Brown continues to receive strong approval from voters in California The results of the latest Field Poll find nearly 56% of the state’s voters approving of Brown’s performance in office, while 32% disapprove.

Underpinning this very positive assessment is the widely held perception that Brown “has the right experience to deal with the problems facing California.” Greater than two in three voters statewide (69%) agree that this statement applies to the Governor. Majorities also concur that Brown “has the vision to lead California into the future” (54%) and “deserves credit for turning around the state’s finances” (53%).

When asked to consider three negative statements that have been made about the Governor, a 57% majority agrees with one of them – “favors too many big government projects that the state cannot afford right now.”

The complete survey and its methodology are available here.

These are the findings from the latest statewide Field Poll about voter opinions of Governor Brown. The survey was conducted by telephone among a random sample of 1,241 registered voters statewide in six languages and dialects.

After serving two terms as California’s Governor during the period 1975-1983, Brown was elected to a third term in 2010, and overwhelmingly reelected in 2014. For most of his last two years as Governor, Brown has achieved approval ratings in high fifty percent range, while about one in three disapprove.

Brown’s current ratings remain in the middle of this range, with 56% of voters approving and 32% disapproving.

Voter approval of Brown’s performance as Governor spans most of the major demographic, regional and political subgroups of the state’s electorate.
Brown’s highest approval ratings are found among Democrats (76%), voters who identify as strongly (80%) and moderately (70%) liberal, and among Northern California voters, especially those living in the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area (69%).
In only two subgroups, which overlap to a large extent, Republicans and strong conservatives, do majorities give the Governor poor job marks.

The survey also asked voters to what degree they felt three positive and three negative statements applied to Brown.

A large majority (69%) agrees that the positive statement, “has the right experience to deal with the problems facing California,” applies to the Governor. Views about this cross party lines, with 79% of Democrats, 69% of non-partisans, and 55% of Republicans agreeing.

Somewhat smaller majorities also concur with two other positive statements made about the Governor – “has the vision to lead California into the future” (54%) and “deserves credit for turning around the state’s finances” (53%). Views about these two statements, however, are more partisan. While seven in ten Democrats agrees that each statement applies to the Governor, only about one in three Republicans say this.

When asked to consider three negative statements made about the Governor, a 57% majority agrees with one of them, that he “favors too many big government projects that the state cannot afford right now.” This view is held by 76% of Republicans and 56% of the state’s non-partisans, but a smaller percentage (45%) of state’s Democrats.

Less than half of voters think two other critical comments about the Governor applies to him. These include: “is not doing enough to help the average Californian” (45%) and “favors organized labor too much” (41%). Majorities of Republicans concur with each statement, but much smaller proportions of the state’s Democrats and non-partisans agree.

Ed’s Note:  The findings in this report are based on a Field Poll completed Jan. 26-Feb. 16, 2015 among 1,241 registered voters in California. Interviews were administered by telephone using live interviewers in English, Spanish, Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin and Vietnamese. The maximum sampling error for results from the overall registered voter sample is +/- 3.2 percentage points


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One response to “Survey: Brown’s ratings high, but “big projects” questioned”

  1. Laurence B/Goodhue says:

    The first thing the commendable,but befuddled and well meaning Governor Brown
    (whose taxpayers are able asleep at night–without having to worry about counting the silverware the next am) should :—given the fact he has green lighted handing out
    California Driver’s License WILLY NILLY to those who are in the State Illegally—
    all but shutting down the,otherwise commendable DMV…is issued the following 911

    Effective instantly—-Anyone currently having a VALID CALIFORNIA DRIVER’S
    LISCENSE…that has any expiration date anywhere from March1,2015 until March
    2016—is A U T O M A T I C A L L extended for one year!!!

    That gives the DMV time to recover from being blind sighted.

    Turning now to the would be CASEY JONES……who spends to much time in his
    basement playing with his trains—and ignore far far greater issues than trains—
    so says this California Resident (since 1977)…whose knowledge of the train
    paradigm–and potential there in has been shaped by using such,with all their
    variations within the BOS/WASH/CHI/PITT TransPo corridors —and was also
    recently impressed to learn the volume of passengers on AMTRACK from LA
    San Diego—not withstanding the last 40 some miles into/out of San Diego is
    little more than a Stage Coach ride passenger VOLUME equals or is greater

    to the BOS/WASH line!!!!

    As to the plans the BEFUDDLED GOVERNOR…who bless his heart:
    lIs beginning to show signs that his former Pot Smoking days…is catching up with
    him as evidenced not only by:
    l.The above DMV issue.
    2.Far Far more serious issue which flows from the fact that SOME,IN THE
    OFFICE OF GOVERNOR –have failed a way most serious as evidenced
    some of which are of MILITARY CALIBER….now on their way via an AMICUS
    brief to the US Ninth Circuit Court—-said brief deals with the COMPLICITY
    on the part of the California Attorney General,Kamala Harris in a CRIMINAL
    RUSE to Gift Near $300,000 of California State Tidelands Funds to a select
    few—at the behest of her “Dance Partner”…a former Coastal Commissioner
    of Governor Brown….now the sitting Mayor of Long Beach—who–was sworn
    in as Mayor in June of this year…and in a QUID PRO QUO…for not prosecuting the
    PER….earlier this month,back her from from dry dream of becoming a US Senator.

    Note the LA Times extensive article detail the rectal surgery the Ninth Circuit
    undertook on Governor Brow’s Attorney General!!!!!” EPIDEMIC of CORRUPTION”
    is how the Ninth Circuit characterized it.

    Thus–once the Befuddled Governor easily squares away HIS DMV MESS–]
    and clean up his own office-whch should include a FULL INSPECTION by AQMD
    to rid his office of all the smoke from the earlier referenced smoking guns
    (one of which is FRAMNED & Hanging in the OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ….

    he can return to his train set—pondering what would happen were the METRO
    TRAIN which was derailed in OXNARD this very morning-were a HIGH SPEED

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