Experts Expound
Experts Expound
Rats rarely swim toward a sinking ship, and Phil is bringing down SS Democrat and all its passengers.
Garamendi, Lockyer, McPherson, Strickland, Brown and Poizner.
California is not as Democratic a state as conventional wisdom believes. The untold story of 2002 isn’t that Dems won all statewide offices–it’s that Tom McClintock, Keith Olberg and Gary Mendoza all barely lost despite the lame Bill Simon campaign. GOP candidates usually die on the vine for one reason: lack of money to get message out.
Deep-pocketed special interests, an uninterested electorate and gerrymandered legislative districts that depress voter turnout even further have the potential to work wonders for Republicans in the down-ticket races.
It’s all about Arnold’s coattails. He’s bringing them in with him.
Democrats will come home as the election-night tsunami comes over the Sierra. The real story here is money: Special interests have poured in money all the way down the ballot. Democrats will be outspent, but still will prevail.
Brown wins. Lockyer wins. Chiang wins. Garamendi wins and Bowen knocks out Arnold’s appointee. Not a bad night for Democrats.
It is easy to be fooled by the Main Stream Media who is telling us the GOP is losing ground everywhere. But it’s just not true. And California is an example of why they are wrong.
Thank God for campaign-finance reform! Clearly special-interest money is no longer influencing California elections
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