Experts Expound

Experts expound: Moving the Presidential Primary

“Should California move its 2008 presidential primary to February 5? Who benefits from such a move?”

Are you kidding me? Think how much more fun you in the press corps will have.
You’re the biggest beneficiary of this change.

Arnold Schwarzenegger. Is it true that Team Arnold has now copyrighted the phrase “post-partisanship”?

The people that benefit the most are those that the knowledgeable voters care about the least — termed out Legislators, political consultants, and Senator Hillary Clinton.

The Gov benefits because he gets to act like a bigshot in the GOP primary. Otherwise, GOP candidates will continue to ignore CA in presidential politics.

Absolutely! As the 8th (not the 6th) largest economy in the world and 36 million residents we should count for more than a bank account. However, we should keep our legislative and statewide primary elections in June so we don’t recruit only extremists in primaries.

No, it’s a waste of time and energy. The only people it benefits are the candidates who have the money to buy ad time in some of the country’s most expensive media markets. The losers — voters, poll workers, and people on the ballot in what will be a lower-than-normal-turnout for a June primary.

I’m very ambivalent about moving the primary to Feb — it may be good for California, but I’m not sure it”s good for the country. It would diminish Iowa, N.H., and So Carolina to irrelevancy, and essentially decide the nominees in Feb.. Would probably benefit Hillary most of all.

Absolutely. This is the 21st Century and with all due respect to Steve Maviglio, its time we abandon the quaintness of campaigning in the “snows of New Hampshire”. Come to a state with a diverse population. Who benefits? California’s TV and radio stations for all the ad money the will make.

It should be moved, not only for clout at the presidential level but because its the only way to get redistricting done. Fabian benefits the most because he’ll get to stay speaker for five more years.

Absolutely. California will become a player again in choosing our president. But let’s admit … Its also a consultants’ Christmas

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