
Capitol Weekly’s Top 100: Myesha Jackson

Myesha Jackson. Illustration by Chris Shary for Capitol Weekly.

24. Myesha Jackson

There was a TV commercial back in the day that went like this: “When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen.” 
The same thing can be said of Myesha Jackson, policy director for Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas. If it is a policy issue, be it a question from a reporter or a lawmaker or the Speaker himself, it goes through her. And there’s a reason for that: nobody knows more about the vast array of policy issues within the Assembly than she does. And because she has been in the building for so long, including serving in a similar role for former Speaker Anthony Rendon, her institutional memory is the gold standard. Soft spoken, even keeled, prone more to listening than speaking, her colleagues rave about her both for her work ethic and the calm demeanor she brings to even the most intense and pressure-packed situations. But mostly they rave about how indispensable she is to the Speaker’s legislative agenda.

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