
Capitol Weekly’s Top 100: Bob Salladay

Bob Salladay. Illustration by Chris Shary for Capitol Weekly.

13. Bob Salladay

If not for Bob Salladay, Gov. Gavin Newsom might not have given a State of the State speech this year. We’re told Salladay was instrumental in getting the governor to do the presentation after he had almost 100 percent decided against it. Think what you want of the speech, which Salladay of course wrote, but kudos to anyone who can get the famously stubborn and prickly Newsom to do anything he really doesn’t want to do. Such is the sway the former award-winning reporter has inside the Horseshoe, where he has become a critical component in virtually every project the governor takes on. And unless you’ve been hiding in a cave 
for the last six years, you know Newsom takes on a lot of projects here in California and points around America… and beyond. Honorable mention to fellow Newsom comms warriors Nathan Click and Anthony York, but this year Bob is the man.

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