
Nathan Click on Comms, the Senate race and ballot measures to watch

CAPITOL WEEKLY PODCAST: We are joined today by communications expert Nathan Click of Click Strategies. Click serves as a political advisor to Gov. Gavin Newsom and led communications efforts in the Governor’s successful campaign against the Recall; he is also active in ballot campaigns. He has previously served as the governor’s Communications Director, worked on Sen. Hirono’s staff in DC and on then-Attorney General Kamala Harris’ campaign for US Senate.

With last week’s announcement that journalist Bob Salladay would be replacing Anthony York as Gov. Newsom’s Communications Director, we thought it was a great time to ask Click about what the job is like- and about the difference between the Comms Director and Press Secretary. Click is working for US Rep. Katie Porter in her run for US Senate, and shared his thoughts on that race, the effect of the early primary, and weighed in on Initiatives that are likely to be on November’s ballot, including a repeal of Prop. 8.

Plus, as always, we tell you who had the Worst Week in California Politics.

:23 York out, Salladay in

1:11 Welcome Nathan Click

3:54 How involved is the governor on messaging?

5:11 Origin story

6:31 The Senate Primary race

7:54 Prediction: Katie Porter is in Top 2

9:51 Ballot Initiatives

10:46 The Repeal of Prop 8

13:20 Rent control / Online betting

17:58 “The Rent is Too Damn High”

22:45 The impact of the March Primary

24:00 Dysfunction in the House

26:07 New Hampshire?

30:20 Press Secretary vs. Comms Director

31:38 #WWCA: Local politics aren’t so local any more

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