
Capitol Weekly’s Top 100: Marie Liu

Illustration by Chris Shary, for Capitol Weekly

97. Marie Liu

It says a lot when someone who should know calls you “the Kip Lipper” of what you do, but that’s exactly how a lot of people see Marie Liu. For more than two decades, Liu was a policy consultant to leadership in both chambers, most recently as the top environmental policy advisor for the Speaker of the Assembly on a wide swath of environmental issues including wildlife, waste and recycling, public lands, coastal resources, air quality, toxics, and climate. Previously, she has been a consultant in the Senate for the Natural Resources and Appropriations Committees, and a legislative aide for two former Senators. During her time in the Speaker’s office, sources tell us “Anthony Rendon absolutely relied on her guidance throughout his tenure.” We’re told she was also instrumental in crafting SB 54, last year’s megadeal on recyclables that somehow brought together a small army of stakeholders in agreement on major recycling reforms. Liu is actually taking her talents outside the building now, becoming the new California director of the Energy Foundation, where she’ll work on their mission to transition us to a clean energy economy.

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